Are you wondering why the paint on your wall is cracking or peeling? Well, you’re not alone. These are the peskiest paint problems that are also very common.
Causes of Peeling and Cracking Paint
Cracking or peeling paint happens due to adhesion loss, and several factors can cause such a failure. It can happen in a few days or maybe even several years, depending on the quality of the product and how those products were applied.

Flaking or peeling generally occurs when the paint loses its bond with the underlying wall surface. Cracking, on the other hand, occurs by the splitting of the dry paint film from one or more coats of paint underneath the most current coat of paint.
Here are some of the common causes of peeling or cracking paint:
1. Excessive moisture or humidity is one of the most common reasons for peeling or cracking paint. If the paint in your house is exposed to a high humidity level, it won’t last long. Plywood is especially prone to paint cracks or flaking because it can expand or contract with different levels of humidity.
2. When you apply paint directly on dirty or poorly prepped surfaces. For example, painting on dusty or dirty old surfaces without cleaning them first will cause adhesion problems not too far down the road.
3. Poor-quality or expired paints can quickly peel or crack. So, be sure to use only high-quality fresh paints and primers.
4. Using paint or primer that is not suitable for such application can also lead to peeling. Some products are designed solely for wooden or plastic surfaces, so if you’d use them on metallic or concrete surfaces, you’d face such issues.
5. Another cause of paint failure is improper application or poor-workmanship. From the using the wrong brushes to thin layering.
How to identify cracking or peeling paint?
Now that you know the common reasons behind cracking or peeling paint, here are some pro tips about how to identify if cracking or peeling may be happening to your paint. Visually inspect your walls and watch for abnormalities. Look for small hairline cracks on the tops of your walls because that’s an early sign of peeling paint.

If you ignore it at this stage, the problem can become more severe and harder to fix the longer you wait. At a later stage, the paint will begin to separate and crack apart.
It is also crucial that you identify the underlying issues as to why your paint may be peeling or cracking. For example, if you have a water leak, you will need to have that fixed prior to replacing the paint on your walls.
Time to Call Experts
Cracking or peeling paint lowers the attractiveness of a property significantly. A wall that has reached the level of cracking or peeling automatically means there is a more work to be done because now the surface of the walls need to be prepped longer through the sanding and scraping process.
If you would like us to come and fix up your peeling or cracked paint in Massachusetts, we’ve got years of professional experience for it. We can fix, re-prepare, and repaint your home to avoid issues like peeling, flaking or cracking in the future. Our team can make your home look as good-as-new. Call us at (508) 250-7272 or visit our Contact Us page to schedule your FREE ESTIMATE today!